How To Be The Inspiration Of Enthusiasm?
Hello everyone,
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Today I m going to talk about the topic which relates each one of us and that is how to "Be The Inspiration Of Enthusiasm. Its a very important topic because we see a lot of people talking about Inspirational thoughts while going outside the house,in buses,in train,in malls ,who are alive but they don't seems to be.
Extreme low in energy can make us a failure,failure at home, failure in the workplace, failure in our own heads.
But on other side when we see enthusiastic person, scenario seems totally different, Person full of enthusiasm makes a great personality.
Even we enjoy ourselves more when we're full of passion, inspiration, and drive. if you are normally happy, motivated, and highly-energetic personality, than you feel similar in your life, we find ourself in a good positive stable state.We know, a period of time where we feel listless and demotivated. We feel burnt out. We don't know what to do with ourself, and we don't really feel like doing anything. And that point of time we wonder and start questioning ourselves that,
How did I get here?
how can i get out of this mess?
- Difficulty Of Life:-
Everybody has ups and down in their life so am I. And today I am going to talk about it, and going to talk about things that have helped me to get myself out of them. Now, before we get into it, I do want you to note that there is a big difference between a temporary stress and actual depression. And if you feel like what you're experiencing is actual depression, well then experience of mine and suggestions in this blog may end up helping you, but I don't want come off by saying that its all you need or end for all your problems,because I know this is obviously a much more complicated and serious condition.
The first strategy that I wanna talk about here, is something that almost never fails to lift my spirits and get me out of the bad and critical situations. That is, I sometimes find myself in state of maintaining relationships with people who inspire me. This is something that all of us needs to do.Surrounding of those people make me feel alive. Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren't just nice things we choose for ourselves. They are genetically programmed into us. The meaningful relationships we get from social cooperation make us happier, healthier, and more productive. Social cooperation is also integral to effective work. It is one of the defining characteristics of being human. And one thing that I want to point out here is that we might not be getting these types of interactions from your normal, everyday friend group.
One thing that I realized about my friend group is that a lot of our interactions basically boiled down to gossiping together and sharing references and inside jokes that we'd said a million times before. And those kind of interactions, while fun, and a good reminder that you're inside your comfort zone, that you're safe, are not challenging, they're not inspiring. They don't really give you that sense of purpose that keeps you from falling into a failure zone. When all of your interactions on a day-to-day basis are only of that kind, it's almost as if you've locked the part of your brain that craves growth and challenges. Now obviously we're not talking about the exact same kind of thing here, but you can see how locking that part of your brain away, denying it those types of relationships and interactions for a long time can negatively impact your mental state, I really mean it.
Now if your friend group is like mine, it does not mean you need to go ditch your friends, and try to find friends who are super productive all the time. But what it does mean, is that you need to spend at least some of your time seeking out interactions with people who are doing inspiring and challenging things, the kind of things that are going to motivate you to go stretch your own capabilities. I'm reminded of this every single time . I always come away from these conversations feeling energized and feel full with new ideas. So if you find yourself in a depression or demotivated state, one way that you can start to get yourself out of it, is to seek out these types of conversations and interactions with people who are going to challenge you and inspire you.
One way can be to go to events, whether it's something across the state or just a local organization in your locality ,Even something easier is just to reach out to a friend you haven't talked to in a while and ask them to catch up.So I will tell you mine one, My friend Dev, He is serving our nation. He is a person full of energy and enthusiasm.He always inspires me.Whenever we talk he always give me boost towards better. We had a great conversation. And I came away from that conversation really motivated, and I bet he did too. If you wanna get the benefits of these types of conversations on a regular basis, then one thing you can do is introspect yourself. Now if you're the kind of person who is into reading all those other personal development blogs and books out there, then you must start analyzing your own personality with the help of those blogs and books. Or you can have a particular day to talk with your friends. Basically this is a pre-planned conversation you can say, or every two weeks, or may be even every month with people who inspire you.People who have the same values, people at maybe the same level of professional development, people with whom you can share feedback on your life on analyzation.
If I talk about myself, I actually have one of these set up every single week my friends who are actually at same level of professionalism, and these conversations are incredibly useful for both side for our mind and for our success, and also for my level of personal motivation.If its bit more for you than you can do another basic exercise and that is call a friend sometime in a week, and just have a casual conversation.
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self care is best care |
All right the next thing we're going to talk about is giving yourself permission to take a break or a vacation. And I wanna put attention on that word permission. See, I think one of the biggest culprits for us falling into depression or failure is that we put too much on our plate, we expect too much of ourselves,We have said many times times that people expect too much their expectation is just killing us from inside but no its we ourself letting down our own personality and then we find ourselves constantly behind and constantly stressed.
This is incredibly common for students, and it's incredibly common for anybody who's really ambitious in their career. And when we are constantly in this state, we put ourself into stress. This can lead to burnout, and this can lead to feeling like we really don't have any motivation to do anything. And I think the solution to this problem is to take an actual planned break, something that you again, give yourself permission to do. And this is something that I kind of ignored for a really long time.i didn't take break fro studies and from business too.Now during that period, I did definitely travel a lot, but it was always for business. And any time a travel opportunity came up, I would only take it if there was a business reason for it. It was always business, business, business when it came to travel for me. Now I took little, small breaks, but I never really gave myself permission to take an extended break from my work and studies too.
we need to have short crisp breaks, and then periods of relaxation so we can basically recharge our batteries. I'm talking about here is exploring new interests. Because whenever I find myself in a stress, I don't really know what I'm doing with myself, and life was kind of boring. But the moment I have started exploring my more interests that's when life starts to feel exciting again. That when I start learning new things and I'm really, really motivated.
So to give you guys an example for this idea, let's rewind the clocks about 2 yrs year. In 2018, I found myself in a bad stress. I felt useless. I felt like I really didn't know what to do with myself, and it was kinda weird because I had some plans for myself and nothing worked out, and because of that I had this feeling like life was supposed to be awesome all the time since I had done everything what i wanted, but that wasn't the case. Now, luckily around that time,i got opportunity in my business and it worked for me But at one point during that time there was disappointment was also there because of past failures but still i gave my 100%. i the earlier time i was worried, it seemed really complicated. but after taking a lot of suggestions from those very positive people, I started giving my 100%.
its really true you need to do hard-work. You have to fuel it, you have to feed it so it can get bigger, until it's eventually something that is burning very brightly. it is worthy to learn new things on a constant basis and it could also lead you to a useful new skill that could even change the direction of your career.Make yourself full of Enthusiasm.
(Be The Inspiration Of Enthusiasm.)
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