Hello everyone,Welcome to my blog:- HOW CAN YOU EARN DIGNITY?
Hey..,,,,!!!!!!!!!So today I am going to talk about the topic that is respect or dignity and how do we earn that. Its really easy to understand but difficult to keep in the behaviour. So today i m going to share with you about some very basic things which i have been observing from long in people's life. I have seen them loosing their control over their emotions and in respect of that they feel disrespected. Even many of us have been through the same.So today I m going to discuss about how to build self esteem.

Respect is something which takes years to build. When a person leads his/her life forward in the journey. He build up a lot of contacts in his/her surrounding. His appearance his way of living life, behaviour to people will make him positive or negative, and the basis of that he earn respect in the society.
This is something that you build over years of being honest, by having ground morality,
having integrity, and showing your character. But that said, there are a couple things that you can do that really do create respect immediately.
And that's why in this post, I want to give you some suggestions or things that you can do today to create respect. Now, don't think of these as replacements for actually developing stalwart characters. But think of these as guidelines to help get you there.
- The first one is DEFEND YOUR TIME.
When people don't respect your time enough to give you a heads-up. when they're going to be late beforehand and this is the first interaction, it means that they likely don't think very much of you and it's not gonna go well regardless so just get out of there. And its very important in respecting yourself; defend your not always be available, don't sit around waiting for someone to call...Now in relationships and work or any area where you have an ongoing relationship, of course, you'll be late, people will be late and sometimes they might forget to text; it happens.
But if it becomes a habitual thing, the right thing to do even if it's someone that maybe, as a position, a little bit higher than you is to firmly but kindly say,
"Hey, listen i m observing you from long and really things are not working out between us properly. We noticed that you oftentimes are running late and I totally get that life comes up. But if it happens in the future, please let me know a little bit in advance so that we can postpone or that we can cancel, and that way I don't wind up sitting here wasting my time. because i think i also need to value me and my time as well"And when you do that, you're firmly saying to this person:-
"Look, I value my time.
I want you to as well," and that creates respect.
The second thing that we're talking about has to do with time as well, though seconds instead of minutes in this case, and it's when you give a presentation when you're at work, you walk up, you're on a stage, whatever it is and this is something that I wish I knew the first time I did this ”you get up there and you pause. You survey the audience. The very main things i want you people to focus about is :-
Regards yourself
express respect towards yourself
its really clear vision that if person wants to be important to himself or want to make impression on others life, he or she must need to be relentlessly proactive.
Person should not wait for the others directions.
need to be focused on his or her work.
Take a deep breath and then you begin.
Take a deep breath and then you begin.
See its really clear"every person has his/her own priorities, so you should also make some and treat them like you had prioritise them.list them up then treat them up. this is what gonna help you out.
Now, this is something that when you're lottery and I certainly felt this so this is my big regret that you just want to get going and just get into that speech that you have to give.
But when you stand up there and you make people operate just for a few seconds on your time while they pay rapt attention waiting for you to say something, it creates an air of anticipation and it makes them respect the fact that you are commanding the room.
So the next thing also able to be used in presentations in the group, interactions, or anything is going to be gesticulating away from your body and taking up space.
If you're on stage, that means you can walk back and forth.
You don't have to paste the whole time but you walk to one end, you stay there for a little bit, you communicate and you walk to another you do the same thing.
we all understands the basics of human nature so why not make our ;life according to that. Follow basic instincts of yours
When you're in interaction, allow your gesticulations to open up.
There is a way to exist that basically says with your body language that,
"I'm not sure I have the right to be here. And I want to be as small as I can
so that you don't notice me and that I'm not invading on your precious space."
This isn't even anybody's space right here. Say these things loud like scream from your heart. allow your inner instincts to come up
There's another way to exist that says, "I have a right to be seen.
I have a right to be heard. When I'm on this stage:-
"I command it"
"You don't need to invade other people's space but take up space around you; that is an instantaneous way to create this feeling of I-should-be-listening-to-this-person.
So the next thing is going to be finishing your sentences strongly.
Now, one way to mess this up is while you're speaking to someone to feel like,
"Oh, shoot. I don't think what I'm saying is really
good, so I'm just gonna let it trail and do nothing."
Don't do that.
The other way that is much more common is in group interaction.
And in group interaction, understandably, people are really excited. so allow yourself to show your inner quality to people and present your personality so that people highly appreciate you for your whole being.
Its really common thing to understand for everyone that you need to value yourself,
treat yourself the way you want people to treat you. its all depends on you as a person personality complete yourself as human respect the way you want to be treated. that is all and the key to earn respect.
As we all have heard about actions. Actions speaks louder than the words so the first thing a person needs to do is control over actions.
keep your words.
Be the man of words
perform the responsibility as per the principles and your morale ethics.
In a simple way we can understand that actions are most powerful weapon of a humankind.
your actions can decide the behaviour of surrounded people towards you, whether people are on your side or against you.
So my very simple suggestion in end will be value yourself your actions and moreover prioritise your life to make your life worthy.
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