Guddu( story of mother)

Hope you read this blog with all the feelings I have been through while writing it.

 Hello friends

Today I am going to share very deep heart touching story with you people.

Its a story of a mother ,who protect her kids from all the negativity which exist in this world. Today  what I am sharing with you  is really my personal experience. Its a True story of a  selfless love for everyone. Mother's name is Guddu (name given by me). 

It just my personal sharing. I hope you will get What I want to convey...

Like my daily routine Daily routine I went to office. I reached early so we all colleagues was standing in compound area. It was the first time I met Guddu.

 She is bold, She is Fearless, Her Ora makes Her different from everyone. She plays joyfully she walks elegantly. Honestly Speaking  Her presence made me feel extreme  positive. I Cant express how Happy I feel when ever I see her. It became my Daily routine to see her like that. On Daily basics I  started coming early. I Started feeling That she became a very close part of my life now.

One side I Feel joyful After seeing her. On other Side I want to take her along with me to my place.

So one day same like my daily routine I came early and what I saw was really heart touching.

On some day Guddu's was playing with her boy. He was having sweet innocent face . it was really mesmerizing to see them together.

It was really pleasing to see them playing. and more over Guddu was very protective towards her baby like other mothers, like our mothers. On a Daily basis we see her playing with him.

One day somebody told me that Guddu is not the real mother of a baby. She has bring the baby from somewhere. Every year She carries a baby along with her care like mother, protect like mother, But she is not really mother of baby. Guddu has bring a little bunch of joy from somewhere. My heart melted. Trust me I was speechless.

Days passed I started watching  them on daily basis. It became my routine.

We all love to see them. we love to See them having their happy time together. No one was disturbing them. Whole staff just enjoy to see them.

Today on 24-01-2021 I have noticed that Guddu and  her baby was not here. I tried to find her in the whole parking area. they were no where. 

I tried to find Guddu she was also not there. I asked the parking care taker, he told  me that Guddu will be here somewhere. wait for sometime she will come.

After some time I saw Guddu in the ground floor. Tired, Sleepy, sad....Her eyes was full of tears.

I cried.... Still I am feeling Like crying.... I cant see her like that........!!!!!!!!

She is not seems bold at all....She has fear in her eyes. She is helpless. She wants her kaalu back.....

She is broken.....!!!!!!!!

Baby is not here anymore....!!!!!!!!

Where no body knows ...............!!!!!!!!!!

Its Heartbreaking...... Someone has taken that baby. Without even thinking of Guddu....!!!!!!!!

 life is so unfair

I feel pity...I feel bad..... I feel devastated …..!!!!!

I wish could see them together again...... Happy..... joyful....!!!!!!!!😭




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