How is life after death like?
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How is life after death like? As far as I’m concerned, none is greater than 'life after death.' whenever a beloved dies, whenever children die, we cannot help but wonder- is anything beyond?
On the one hand, it seems absurd that my personal, conscious awareness, having come to exist, it seems more absurd that my mental life can survive the death and dissolution of my brain. For as long as I remember wondering anything, I remember wondering this:-
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- Is death final?
Nobody - no life. No brain - no awareness. Sure, I’m hooked into the accuracy of the solution. But I’m also curious about the question - is death finalist put the burden of proof on those that claim that conscious life can survive death. Believers must make their case that death isn't final - offer explanations, present evidence, muster arguments. It seems to me that either life finishes up being the foremost tragic story ever told or the foremost beautiful story ever told.
- Death is a tragic story:-
And if death is that the last word it's just a tragic story, ell doesn't overcome evil, all the items we hoped for and aspire towards and dream of it all involves nothing. The system dies a heat death, the entire universe dies a heat death that's it. And there's something within the human spirit that finds that objectionable. What I’m wondering is why can we find that objectionable? Why can we hunger for meaning, an ultimate meaning, not just a short-lived meaning? Does that mean that simply because we have the hunger for something that there’ll be food there? One among the pieces of evidence that there's a particular quite food out there's that you simply craving it or that you have a hunger for it. Whenever there are beings that have a particular desire or a longing there's something in nature that corresponds there to. So, you know, it might be odd if nature evolved beings that are totally out of sync with nature. Here we are personal beings and that we have a looking for meaning and for purpose. We've confidence that good should overcome the evil that love should win within the end. If a death has the last word all of that longing, those dreams and people's hopes involve absolutely nothing. Then the very fact that we have these longing requires some quite explanation and is one justification for believing that there's something else out there. Are we getting that causation reversed?
We have got this desire that good overcomes evil, that life should have a purpose, that death shouldn't end it. How can we explain that if, in fact, there's no afterlife and we're just creatures that evolve by natural time and chance?
It seems to me the longing points within the direction of there being a fulfillment. We all make a lot of discussion about this topic, but none of us knows what is d most relevant one. We have seen people calming that they knows what happens when a person dies.what happens after life. They knows how is life after death. Some great people are also there like Greg who doesn't attempt to "prove" an afterlife, he won't exaggerate or fabricate so-called 'evidence.' i prefer that. If we been keen for meaning and purpose, Greg says, there should be fulfillment. But if there is no afterlife, why these all talks about afterlife? Wouldn't it be tragic, almost sadistic, to be denied an afterlife?
- It isn't a logical or scientific argument - it is a 'big
- So where to go?
Scientists attend evolution, which can select for mental traits, including 'yearnings'. Theologians attend religion, which proclaims various visions of an afterlife. But can proclamations of an afterlife - albeit widespread - support its reality? Its actual stuff comes and goes every six weeks. So what recycles may be a matrix of memory which I, through my deep understanding of consciousness, is not within the brain or not in your body. Its non-local, it's unconsciousness which has no location space in time. So, we are recycling of consciousness. If we will understand that, then death and resurrection within the literal sense are creativity, it’s creating new contexts, new meanings, new relationships, all the time. I'm hesitating to use the word reincarnation because you stray in religious ideology. But, there's no doubt that everything within the universe recycles. Everything. I appreciate the poetry of recycling, but that does not do considerably on behalf of me. As long as you think that of yourself as this tiny, skin-encapsulated ego dragging around a bag of flesh and bones, yes it does.
What is our real identity:-
What is our real identity:-
The question is, what is our real identity? Once you discover out that your real identity is much beyond anything in space-time, then there's no birth, and there's no death, does that mean I even have to offer up my personal sense of awareness? You've got to expand your personal sense. There's nothing to offer up, you'll only hand over what existed. But if we expand your sense of awareness, until you realize you're all of this and you are feeling it, then there's nothing to offer up. You're the universe during this little impermanent body. Will I do know it's me? If you'll awaken yourself into the notice of your bigger identity now, you'll never fear death, because you'll know that that's who you’re. But that's a special sense than I even have today. It is a sense that I do not exist. It is a sense that I’ve blended into cosmic consciousness. No, you do not, if
- Closer to truth:-
You can witness... I do not put an excessive amount of interest in having that persistence of that have. I might like all the items that characteristic could do but can't do here - I might like that form to possess all of its potentials realized. I would like a change of consciousness, not persistence of consciousness. Well, I’d need persistence of consciousness and a change of consciousness. But if forced to settle on, I’d accompany 'persistence' - I would like to be me. And I’d trade ‘transformation' to stay with me. As for the clash of worldviews -resurrection or reincarnation - each is problematic - each supported a huge assumption: resurrection - requires an all-powerful god, who somehow takes a personal interest in every creature. Reincarnation - requires the primacy of pure consciousness, which somehow guides uncountable souls into innumerable bodies. Albeit absorbing me into cosmic consciousness could elevate my reality, still, no thank you- I’d take a pass. I'd choose resurrection. Yet life after death - in any way - seems so far-fetched, the triumph of hope over reason. So, is death final? Yes? No? Either way, those yearnings or ways of thinking are...
"Closer to truth"
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