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its a very renowned question that How can someone turn failure into victory.
Failure and victory.
Success is moving from one failure to the next. you've to go through the failure to reach out to success. Success is merely the first step to failure. You should seek failures. Learn from those mistakes, and get smarter.
If I relate myself to this, I am the person who believes in my own ideologies. My one word is believed, today I am going to share how we can turn failure into success.
- Failure is a part of the success journey:-
yes. I mean, I look at failure as a stepping stone to success.
It's a speed bump. I know I'm going to fail, but it's not a failure if you learn something, I have seen a lot of people saying, oh god, I've made so many mistakes. I've screwed so many things up, every time I do. It becomes a way for me to explain to someone else what it takes, you know. It's like, here's what I've done. I think I have the ability to influence people because I like, talk about my failures. I talk about all the things that are messed up by me, but I show people I didn't let it stop me, and you don't need to let it stop you. It's truly me. I think that's really the secret in that area. And if everything you touched was successful, you probably wouldn't be able to relate to people as much. , just think about it. If you just said,
I want this, and it happened.
I want this, and it happened.
You know, people don't value what they don't fight for. You know, it's like we have many examples in front of us in our area, society, and its pretty visible.
you're not going to value this if you don't work for it.
It's true.
You know, about things we work the hardest for, we value the most, so I think, you know, the purpose of the goal's not getting it anyway. The purpose of the goal, you know, is who you become. Trust me, Who you become is going to make you happy or is going to make you sad.
- Effortless approach theory:-
I'm not gonna talk about for an effortless approach. There's no such thing. If you constantly remind yourself after every defeat, after every setback, every time you get knocked down, I've got a saying. If life knocks you down, try and land on your back because if you look up, you can get up. See, because of failure a lot of people stop, they stop. They stop believing. Let me share something with you. You will fail your way to success. Yes You will fail your way to success. It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do it. It doesn't matter if you don't have a huge bank balance. You will fail your way to success.- I've learned more from failures than success. And it can be a way to build a stronger personality of yours, this failure and the fear of it.
It was a huge learning lesson for me that if I was going to be successful, I had to be as successful as myself. I couldn't be successful in doing what other people were doing. I had to do what I believed in and what I is for me and felt true to me.- Failure is a part of the learning process, right? What's the risk of failure? What, you'll be embarrassed? Or the risk of failure, how do you distinguish failure from learning? In your whole life, you know, failure implies that it stops, the game stops, right? If it's part of your failing, and then you learn, then, that learning is part of the moving forward, so that is what the process is like. Fail, learn, move forward, and constantly do that because you're cutting edge. You're going where people haven't been before in inventiveness.- If you say, I'm a fraud. They'll figure me out.I'll never be able to do it again. That's an artist's thought process. You're an artist. If you're thinking like that, you're on the right track cause they all feel that way. So there's always some success that can come out even out of your failures.In fact, probably your biggest successes will come directly from your failuresWinston Churchill's quote is my favorite, "Success is moving from one"failure to the next with great enthusiasm."You should be very enthusiastic
about your failures cause you're going to learn something. You're going to go that way when everyone else is going that way, and you're going to stumble, but you're also going to stumble upon something that no one else thought of.
You just keep going and keep going. And you're going to fail and then rise up and fail again, and that's the journey. Up and down, What I really feel is that we should not make excuses for the failure. You feel the pain. You don't brush it off. You feel the pain, and you don't rush to feel better. Now, listen, this is a principle of life I'm about to tell you. To get past it, you got to go through it. That's true in so many areas, but it's particularly true with failure. To get past your failure, that failure in your life, you got to go through it. You cannot go around your failure. You can't go over your failure. You can't ignore your failure. You need to grieve the failure. You need to feel the pain. Now, we don't like feeling bad, but grief is a good thing. Grief is the way we get through the failure, and grief is the way we learn the lessons. So often we want to just when we fail, we want to just forget it. we just need to turn failure into victory.
Control your emotions. And then, immediately go to the next thing. When you control your emotions, when you dealing with your emotions, What's going to happen to it? It's going to explode eventually. And this happens in your life when we don't deal with our emotions properly.
I've seen this thousand of times in people's lives. They don't minimize it.They don't rush to feel better. To get past your failure, you've got to go through the failure.- we know, and my mind is like, I have an I don't lose mentality, and that's with anything. That's not like say, a sporting event or whatever. That's just life, right, because life non-stop tests. You know what I mean? And we're always being put to the test.There's always challenges, obstacles, etc., and I literally don't accept any of that
as an impediment, as a negative. It's like, good, this is going to make me stronger. I'm going to learn something from this.- I think the best advice that I could give you on success is to know that failure is the hangover of success. And that failure is an essential ingredient in creating a learning atmosphere for you so that you can accrue those learnings, those small incremental steps of failure, and collect enough learning so that you can arrive at success, right?
I think we're taught in the system that failure is something that you should be ashamed of. Failure is for the dumb.
You're not competent. You didn't create the evidence of your worthiness.
You're going to fail. And I'm not talking about the tests. That's one thing. I'm talking about to your knees, your skin bloody. Fail. And that's okay cause you know what? You know down deep inside of all of you that's how you learn. You need to be motivated by failure. How'd you learn how to walk? You crawled, and you fell down. Busted your tooth. Got some blood in your mouth. Get up, and you walk. Right? Self-directed.- You should seek failures. See, if you're playing it safe, you're not going to win. If you're playing it safe, like that old saying, you know, you were taught when you were a little girl. Better to be safe than sorry. Well, that's a bunch of crap what I feel. It's not better to be safe than sorry. It's by trying things that you figure out how far you can go. You got to get outside the box
To get further along. Learn from those mistakes, and get smarter.
I always believed I believe in you. I hope you continue to believe in yourself,
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